Touch is Part of Cox Chiropractic Medicine Incs Relieving Back Pain Care
For all the talk of artificial intelligence and the future of robots and computers in our lives, the beneficial effect of human touch cannot be supplanted. Chiropractic is a hands-on profession. Cox Chiropractic Medicine Inc offers hands-on Fort Wayne chiropractic care. Chiropractic has a long history of valuable manual manipulation and treatment for back pain, neck pain and related extremity pain. Touch cannot be dismissed in its impact on healing and isn’t ignored by your Fort Wayne chiropractor as your pain-relieving treatment plan is set starting with the first day’s exam and extending through the entire treatment process.
Touch in the doctor-patient relationship is central. A new study documents that touch can produce neuromodulatory effects to ease pain and ease patient anxiety about the pain. Researchers reported that the effect of touch begins with the confident handshake and continues through the physical examination, particularly when the physician doing the exam touches the spot the patient says is painful. This confirms to the patient that the doctor understands the patient’s pain. Touch also influences treatment for manual and manipulative treating physicians. (1) The effect of touch cannot be denied. Your Fort Wayne chiropractor at Cox Chiropractic Medicine Inc knows this to be true and witnesses its effect every day and is happy to see its importance presented in the medical literature for manual therapy’s beneficial role in the health care system for conditions like Fort Wayne back pain, neck pain, arm pain, and sciatic leg pain.
A researcher commented on an influential study’s outcomes about the effect of spinal manipulation and exercise for back pain relief: “the data are compatible with a non-specific effect caused by touch.” (2) Science tries to quantify just how human touch affects back pain relief. Until that is done, chiropractic physicians like your Fort Wayne chiropractor will welcome the effect of touch as they deliver spinal manipulation with their hands.
Chiropractors rely on their sense of touch in providing the proper forces to the spine, forces that provide pain relief for the back pain and neck pain patient. It takes experience to really refine the proper force application. Today, though, technology may help in this area as force-feedback systems are helping doctors acquire that key experience. With the chiropractic technique system utilized at Cox Chiropractic Medicine Inc, research has reported just what those proper, pain-relieving forces are. (3,4) Force-measuring equipment has been created and integrated into teaching and daily-use chiropractic tables. (As a bonus, in performing the research study to assess forces with patients, no serious adverse effects were found. “First, do no harm.”) (5,6) The Cox® Technic flexion distraction procedures used at Cox Chiropractic Medicine Inc are documented, gentle, and efficient for relieving pain and decreasing intradiscal pressures (7,8). That is a chiropractic treatment outcome arrangement our Fort Wayne chiropractic patients seek.
CONTACT Cox Chiropractic Medicine Inc
Check out this PODCAST with Dr. James Cox on The Back Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson as he explained how Cox® Technic System of Spinal Pain Management and chiropractic treatment may influence via senses like touch.
Schedule your next Fort Wayne chiropractic visit soon. Cox Chiropractic Medicine Inc holds fast to our commitment to hands-on treatment for pain relief. No computer or AI system will substitute for your Fort Wayne chiropractor’s hands! See you soon!