Fort Wayne Depression due to Back Pain Helped with Cox® Technic
The mind-body connection. It’s real. And in no other condition than one related to the spine is this more real. The spine is the body’s support system. When it hurts, the body knows it. Cox Chiropractic Medicine Inc knows it, also. Fort Wayne back pain and neck pain and spine-related pain patients know it, too. The chiropractic treatment plan at our office for spine-related pain efficiently eases both body and mind pain to let our patients discover an agreeable quality of life. Back pain’s depression often is relieved with our Cox® Technic System of decompression.
Leading causes of disability globally include musculoskeletal diseases and mental disorders like anxiety and depression. A report of patients with lumbar spondylolisthesis demonstrated how anxiety and depression have an effect on a person’s well-being. Emotional distress and disability that patients feel negatively affects their overall well-being. (1) A new review of medical studies links these two concerns, too. Anxiety and cervical/lumbar disc herniation, mood/anxiety and lower bone mineral density in men, chronic low back pain and depression, life satisfaction improvement and bone loss prevention in postmenopausal women, quality of life deterioration and increased osteoporotic fractures. Adults over 45 old with musculoskeletal diseases mentally wrestle with the impact these matters have on their lifestyle. (2) That is where chiropractic care comes into play. Cox Chiropractic Medicine Inc offers evidence-based chiropractic care in the form of the Cox® Technic System of Spinal Pain Management to reduce pain and give control of it in the hands of our Fort Wayne patients. There is hope. There is life during and after treatment. Cox Chiropractic Medicine Inc is here for our Fort Wayne back pain patients every step of the way. Taking anti-depressants – anti-cholinergic drugs - may not be the answer depressed back pain patients want. They are shown to increase the risk of dementia with long-term use. These drugs block the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the central and peripheral nervous system. (3) We all need clear minds to deal with life with and without back pain.
Depression and anxiety are states of mind most of us contend with at some point in life. For chronic low back pain patients, depression and anxiety often go hand-in-hand with their pain experience. Logically, higher levels of depression often come from more pain and a lower sense of personal control of pain and overall health. More anxiety often extends from stronger beliefs about negative consequences of illness, negative emotional thoughts of the illness, and depression. These findings support the need for more honest advising of chronic back pain patients. (4) You can trust Cox Chiropractic Medicine Inc to be honest!
Help for back pain depression is built into the chiropractic treatment plan, especially exercise. Exercise is beneficial for the body. That is an accepted fact. Is exercise good for the mind? For those of us dealing with chronic low back pain – Fort Wayne chiropractic patients and your Fort Wayne chiropractor – the more exact wonder is whether exercise is beneficial for chronic low back pain patients’ minds. A new study reports that symptoms of depression were reduced in such adults who did exercise (low dose) and manual therapy and/or general strengthening and moderate exercise. (5) Neither came out superior. Both indicated promise in reducing depression. That’s good news. Cox Chiropractic Medicine Inc ensures that Fort Wayne chiropractic patients get this and delivers safe, gentle, effective, pain-relieving treatment.
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Listen to this PODCAST with Dr. Casey Johnston on The Back Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson who presents a patient who has experienced several episodes of back pain and perseveres with conservative, non-surgical chiropractic care using gentle Cox® Technic to control his back pain and not let it control him.
Schedule a Fort Wayne chiropractic appointment with Cox Chiropractic Medicine Inc today. Our Cox® Technic decompression spinal manipulation will help ease your back pain related depression. Plus, your mind and body will be glad you did. Really!